Zdravím! Pri mojej poslednej dovolenke v Gradaci som si urobila výlet do Dubrovnika. Cestovala som miestnou dopravou, autobusom. Práve na tomto mieste bola pauza -tam aj cestou späť. Stáli sme asi na rovnakom mieste, keď sme fotili pohľad do údolia :-) Fotku som dala na g+ zdielať iba pre vás - https://plus.google.com/104645994859709007626/posts/gEd6vjdQVQa Moja vznikla v dopoludňajších hodinách cestou do Dubrovnika.
It was very nice to hear from you again and thank you for the fine comment on Ocala (Florida) Photos! It looks like you are out traveling - perhaps a brief vacation? This photo taken on a Saturday night is delightful. What a fantastic scene and that soft evening light is so beautiful as it washes over the water and the buildings!
2 komentáře:
Zdravím! Pri mojej poslednej dovolenke v Gradaci som si urobila výlet do Dubrovnika. Cestovala som miestnou dopravou, autobusom. Práve na tomto mieste bola pauza -tam aj cestou späť. Stáli sme asi na rovnakom mieste, keď sme fotili pohľad do údolia :-)
Fotku som dala na g+ zdielať iba pre vás - https://plus.google.com/104645994859709007626/posts/gEd6vjdQVQa
Moja vznikla v dopoludňajších hodinách cestou do Dubrovnika.
Dear Peter,
It was very nice to hear from you again and thank you for the fine comment on Ocala (Florida) Photos! It looks like you are out traveling - perhaps a brief vacation? This photo taken on a Saturday night is delightful. What a fantastic scene and that soft evening light is so beautiful as it washes over the water and the buildings!
Hope that all goes well with you! Best wishes!